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Professions Recreation and Hobbies

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Though existence is coming to an end Olaxans take time to go to work, relax, and pursue hobbies.

Professional, Recreational, and Hobby Gear Costs

Art Supplies

Art supplies are different sets of tools that allow artist to make their creations. Each set of supplies is outfitted for an artist’s specific craft. The GM has final say about what tools are in a kit.

Item  Price
Fashion Designer Supplies500
Glassblower's Tools500
Illustrator's Tools250
Jeweler's Tools500
Painter's Supplies250
Sculptor's Tools250
Welder's Tools500
Woodcarver's Tools250

Athletic Supplies

Those who enjoy physical activity and want to stay fit use athletic supplies. They often include items such as sporting equipment, weights, mats, or resistance bands.

Item  Price
Contact Sport Supplies
Non-Contact Sport Supplies
Solo Sport Supplies
Basic Target Robot500
Advanced Target Robot1,000
Virtual Gym2,000


Basic cameras take pictures and video and post or stream them to the Complenet through manual functionality. Advanced cameras can fly and respond to telepathic commands given by a person wearing a partnered badge.

Item  Price
Basic Camera500
Advanced Camera2,000


Clothing comes in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit a galaxy’s worth of fashions. Most species require cold weather clothing to survive in freezing climates for long periods of time.

Item  Price
Casual Outfit50
Cold Weather Outfit500
Formal Outfit1,000
Semi-Formal Outfit500
Survival Outfit100

Food and Beverage Tools

Though most homes and spacecraft are equipped with magic devices that can make most any dish, there are those who still enjoy cooking and perfecting new recipes.

Item  Price
Baker's Supplies500
Brewer's Kit500
Cook's Utensils500
Distiller's Tools1,000
Molecular Gastronomist's Tools1,000
Vintner's Kit1,000

Gaming Supplies

All manner of games are enjoyed in Olaxis, especially by crews of adventurers on long flights together. Here are the most popular games in the galaxy:

Item  Price
Board Game200
Card Game50
Dice Game50
Tabletop Roleplaying Game200
Video Game200

Musical Instruments

With so many cultures in Olaxis the number of musical instruments is nearly infinite. Those powered by magic can be amplified and modified to make different sounds.

Item  Price
Magic Keys2,000
Traditional Keys500
Percussion Kit1,000
Simple Percussion500
Acoustic Strings500
Magic Strings2,000


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